How do I connect a link to my timetable?

Connections to your timetable options (rather than timetable entries on individual days) are known as default connections.

Default connections will always be made available every time you use the timetable option.

1. Press on the down toggle icon to show Timetable entry details.

2. Press on Connect to add items.

3. Press the Link button to add links.

4. Select a Link from your list of links.

5. Press on connect button to connect the link to a Timetable entry.

6. It will automatically added to your Timetable entry from the dashboard.

7. To add a default connection, press the Fullscreen button at the top of the screen.

8. Select a Timetable entry you want to add the link into.

9. Press on the down toggle button to show item details.

10. Press the connect button to add items to the Timetable entry.

11. Press the link button.

12. Select a link from your list of created links.

13. Press on the selected item.

14. Then press on Connect button to connect the link to the Timetable entry.

15. It will be added to your Timetable entry.

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