How do I make default connections to timetable entries?

Connections to your timetable options (rather than timetable entries on individual days) are known as default connections.

Default connections will always be made available every time you use the timetable option.

1. From the left-hand side menu press on the Plan Tab.

2. Click on the "Day" option.

3. Click on the arrow down beside the timetable option to which you want to add a connection.

This process also applies when you click '+ Add or Edit Entries' in the weekly planner; just ensure you expand the timetable option.

4. Click on the "Connect" button to add a connection.

5. You can connect the following: App, Deck, Link, List, Resource, Rotation, and Video.

6. For example, if you'd like to connect a deck to an entry, simply click on "Deck."

7. Select the deck you want to connect from the available options.

8. Then, click on the "Connect" button to finalise the connection.

9. You can verify if the connection was successful by checking if it appears under "Default Connections."

10. To remove the connection, simply click on the "x" button next to it.

Note: Creating connections for entries already in the timetable (i.e., your weekly schedule) will apply only to that day. However, once you set default connections for that specific timetable option, it will automatically update all existing entries in the timetable.

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