Base Ten Blocks

Drag and drop base ten blocks to create numbers.

1. From the Dashboard left-hand side menu click on Apps.

2. Search, filter by Mathematics, or find the app tile in the list. Click on Base Ten Blocks.

3. Click the 'Close Menu' button at the bottom left of the screen to enter the full screen.

4. You can drag the blocks below and place them in the unit boxes above.

5. You can choose to include all the units or just select the ones you need.

6. Check 'Vertical 10s' if you want the tens to be arranged vertically, or uncheck it to arrange them horizontally.

7. The 'Random Prompt' feature generates random numbers.

8. You can set the maximum or minimum number for the random prompt, or even specify the multiples of the random number.

9. You can choose from three prompt types: Make, Add, or Subtract.

10. To generate random numbers, click the 'Pick' button.

11. Click 'Connect to Timetable' to connect the app with your timetable entries.

12. Click the pin icon to add the app to your pinned apps on the dashboard.

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