Base Ten Canvas

An infinite canvas for you to demonstrate grouping, splitting and counting with base ten shapes. Use the select tool to reveal the total, split, group, move around or delete multiple shapes at once.

1. From the Dashboard left-hand side menu click on Apps.

2. Search, filter by Mathematics, or find the app tile in the list. Click on Base Ten Canvas.

3. Click the 'Close Menu' button at the bottom left of the screen to enter the full screen.

4. You have an entire space here to place, drag, and even draw units.

5. Click on the buttons below to select the unit you need.

6. The dice is used to insert random blocks into the space, where you can set the minimum and maximum number of blocks.

7. To drag the blocks, always use the 'Select' tool.

8. You can also draw on the space using the 'Draw' tool, and customise your pen colour by selecting from the choices below.

9. The 'Erase' tool is used to remove both drawings and blocks from the space.

10. You also have access to additional tools for zooming in and out, as well as options to undo, redo, and reset.

11. Click 'Connect to Timetable' to connect the app to your timetable entries.

12. Click the pin icon to add the app to your pinned apps on the dashboard.

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