
Look at groups of tokens and identify the number.

  1. From the Dashboard left-hand side menu click on Apps.

  1. Search, filter by Mathematics, or find the app tile in the list. Click on Subitiser.

  1. Click the 'Close Menu' button at the bottom left of the screen to enter full screen.

  1. Set the range for the random numbers, then choose a multiple to generate numbers within that range. For example, if you set the range from 1 to 15 and choose multiples of 3, the random numbers that will be generated are 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15.

  1. Choose how the tokens will be arranged.

Box: Tokens will be organised in a neat grid layout.

Circle Clusters: Tokens will be grouped in clusters of circles.

Random: Tokens will be scattered randomly across the area.

  1. Hide or reveal numbers by clicking on the eye icon or the number box.

  1. Click 'Hide' to close the settings and get a fuller view.

  1. Click next to generate more numbers.
  2. Click 'Connect to Timetable' to connect the app to your timetable entries.

  1. Click the pin icon to add the app to your pinned apps on the dashboard.

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