Roll Call

Note: You need to create and choose a class first from the Students tab at the left hand side menu to use the Roll Call app.

1. Press on Classes…

2. You can choose a class from your class lists or create a new class.

3. The Roll Call app will capture the information from the active class you've chosen.

4. From the Dashboard click on Apps.

Step 4 screenshot

5. Type "Roll call" from the search and hit enter.

Step 5 screenshot

6. Click on Roll Call from the menu to use the app.

Step 6 screenshot

7. Press on a checkbox to mark a student as present.

Step 7 screenshot

8. Tap on Set all present to mark all the student as present.

Step 8 screenshot

9. Or you can tap Click on Select all.

Step 9 screenshot

10. Click on Reset roll to reset the Roll call marked boxes.

Step 10 screenshot

11. Click on Connect to Timetable to connect the app to your Timetable entries.

Step 11 screenshot

12. Click on Pin icon to pin the Roll Call app to the Pinned Apps from the Dashboard.

Step 12 screenshot

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