Elkonin Boxes

Elkonin boxes can be used to help children develop their phonemic awareness skills, which are important for learning to read and write. By breaking down words into individual sounds, children can learn to identify and manipulate those sounds in order to decode words and spell them correctly.

To use Elkonin boxes, a teacher will first say a word and ask the child to repeat it. Then, they will show the child the corresponding number of boxes, and ask the child to place a circle in each box as they say the individual sounds in the word. For example, if the word is "cat," the child would place a circle in the first box as they say "k," a circle in the second box as they say "a," and a circle in the third box as they say "t."

  1. From the Dashboard left-hand side menu click on Apps.

  1. Search, filter by Literacy, or find the app tile in the list. Click on Elkonin Boxes.

  1. Click the 'Close Menu' button at the bottom left of the screen to enter full screen.

  1. Drag and drop the tokens into the boxes to begin counting the sounds

  1. Adjust the sound count by clicking the +/- button.

  1. You can also change the colour of the tokens.

  1. Click 'Hide' to close the settings and get a fuller view.

  1. Click 'Connect to Timetable' to connect the app to your timetable entries.

  1. Click the pin icon to add the app to your pinned apps on the dashboard.

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