Number Line

Practise arithmetic on a number line.

  1. From the Dashboard left-hand side menu click on Apps.

  1. Search, filter by Mathematics, or find the app tile in the list. Click on Number Line.

  1. Click the 'Close Menu' button at the bottom left of the screen to enter full screen.

  1. Set a start and end number to define the range of your number line.

  1. Select an interval of 1, 2, 5, or 10 to display on the number line.

  1. Choose whether to display ticks or lines between the numbers.

  1. At the top, choose the mathematical operation you want to teach using the number line: Addition or Subtraction.

  1. Select numbers within your specified range for the chosen mathematical operation. If your selection is outside the range, you will be prompted to adjust the end number.

  1. You can customise the appearance of the number line by selecting one of three options: display all numbers, hide all numbers, or randomly hide some numbers. You can manually hide specific numbers by clicking on them.

Note: Please select 'Show all numbers' first before clicking 'Randomly hide'

  1. Select the jump order for the number line to determine how the dot moves between numbers: choose 'Largest First' to jump from the largest to the smallest values in larger steps (e.g., jumping to 10 before 6), or choose 'Smallest First' to move from the smallest to the largest values in smaller steps (e.g., jumping to 16 before 6).

  1. Click 'Hide' to close the settings and get a fuller view.
  2. Click the play button to start or stop button to refresh. Use the left and right buttons to manually move forward or backward between numbers.

  1. Click 'Connect to Timetable' to connect the app to your timetable entries.

  1. Click the pin icon to add the app to your pinned apps on the dashboard.

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