How do I view the events on my Planner?

1. From the left hand side menu click the Plan tab.

Step 1 screenshot

2. Scroll down your weekly plan to view the events listed below the timetable entries.

3. To see the event on the Day view, click the Day tab on the Plan dashboard. The events for that day will be on the left hand side of the Timetable entries.

Step 4 screenshot

4. To view the events for a specific month, click the Month tab on the Plan dashboard. The events will be shown on the specific days that you added them into.

Step 6 screenshot

5. To see the events for the whole term, just click on the Term tab on the Plan dashboard. The events will be shown on the specific dates you added them into. To view more weeks for the term you can scroll down the page.

Step 8 screenshot

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