How do I create weekly notes in my planner?

1. From the left hand side menu press on the Plan tab.

Step 1 screenshot

2. From the week view, go to the Weekly notes section.

Step 2 screenshot

3. Double Click on the note box and type in your notes.

Step 3 screenshot

4. You have the option to select a list type. The options are Normal text, Bullet List and Numbered List.

Step 4 screenshot

5. You can also change the font size.

Step 5 screenshot

6. These are the font sizes that you can choose from.

Step 6 screenshot

7. By highlighting the list, you can change the font size and make it Bold.

Step 7 screenshot

8. Press on Format bold to make the list in Bold Format.

Step 8 screenshot

9. You can view your weekly notes in the Weekly and Daily views.

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