How do I add a group set to a class roster?

Group sets help you manage various types of groups within your classes. For instance, you might have a group set for Reading Groups and another for Maths Groups. Within each set, you can create groups, assign names, and include students.

Note: Group sets need be set up first before creating your rotations. Read more on how to set up your rotations here.

1. Press on Classes from the left hand side menu.

2. Choose the class for which you'd like to create a group set, then click on 'Groups.' Next, select '+ Create new group set' to get started.

  1. Assign a name to the group set and to each individual group within it.

  1. Find and add students to include in the groups. Note that you can only add new students in the Students tab.

  1. You can assign colours by clicking the paint bucket icon. To edit a group name, simply click on it. To delete a group, click the bin icon.

  1. Once you've created the group set, you can select it when setting up your rotations.

It will display the group colours next to the names for added visual distinction.

The Student Grouper app offers another way to utilise your group sets by visually displaying the group names alongside student names. This is especially useful for presenting the groups clearly.

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