How do I embed my OneDrive PowerPoint?
In order to view PowerPoints from OneDrive within The Hive, the sharing embed code needs to be copy and pasted. But don't worry, it's not as scary as it sounds!
Embedding PowerPoints to view within The Hive is only possible for those which are accessed online via OneDrive. PowerPoints stored on your computer can only be linked and opened outside of The Hive (learn how).
Alternatively, first upload it to OneDrive, and then embed it using the below method.
- In your browser, navigate to the PowerPoint that you'd like to embed.
In the "File" menu in the top left, look for the "Share" option. Open the share menu, then choose the "Embed" option.
Depending on your existing sharing settings for the PowerPoint, you may see a notice about generating embed code and anyone visiting the blog or website being able to view it. To proceed, hit "Generate".
Generation of embed code notice. Although you will indeed generate embed code for the presentation, only you have access to your data within The Hive, and it is not publicly visible at all.
In the Embed dialogue which appears, hit the orange "Copy" button to copy the code (highlighted in blue) to your clipboard.
Embed copy dialog. Don't worry about any of the dimension settings, as this is automatically optimised by The Hive.
Change tab to The Hive, and create a new Slide Deck within the Content Manager.
Select the "Embed external" tab in the sheet which appears.
Paste the copied link into the large text area. Be sure to give the deck a name (we can't get this information from the slides automatically).
Pasted embed code and title entered. Ready to embed! Hit the "Embed slides" button. A new deck will be created, and you'll be automatically navigated to its view page.
- The slides can be navigated, use The Hive's normal presentation mode, connect to your Timetable, and be updated with a new link if desired.
Note: especially for large presentations, the first time loading PowerPoints can take a little while. After the first load, your browser will remember some of the big elements (like images) within the slides, so it'll be much faster for subsequent loads.