How do I organise my files in the Content tab?

1. Press on the Content tab from the left-hand side menu.

2. From here you can create folders and create files. You can also see all the files you created and organise them however you see fit! It is a similar setup to Google Drive.

3. To utilise your organisation, first you need to create a folder by pressing on the Create folder tab.

4. Type in the name of the folder.

5. Then press Create.

6. As soon as you create the folders, it will show at the top part of the Content dashboard while all your files can be located at the bottom.

7. You can also filter the files for easier navigation.

8. You can sort by file type such as Slide Decks, Links, Rotations, List and Images.

9. For this example, we will filter the files and press images to see all the images we uploaded to The Hive.

10. The Hive will automatically sort all your images and the files will show in the Items part of the Content Explorer.

11. Press on the more options icon to rename, view or move the image.

12. From here, press the Move to button to move the image to a specific folder.

13. As we created a folder for Images, we will select the Images button to move the image to that specific folder.

14. Another way (and the easiest way) is to just press and drag the file to the specific folder you want to add them to.

15. It will be automatically added to that folder.

16. To check and organise your other files, press on the All Content tab.

17. This works like a Google Drive so that you can create, store and organise the files that you have created and/or added to The Hive.

Can't find a file? Utilise the search bar found on the top-left of the Content page.

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