How do I make a slide deck appear on my Dashboard?

Slide decks will automatically appear on your Dashboard if you do any of the following:

  • Set it as a default slide deck every day
  • Set is as a default slide deck on specific days
  • Make it as a one-off deck for a timetable entry
  • Connect it to a timetable entry as default

Setting a slide deck as a daily default deck

  1. From the Dashboard left-hand side menu click on Plan.

  1. Click on 'Teaching Cycle' to view it either by slides, timetable, or both options together.

  1. Go to 'Always-available Slide Decks' and click 'Add default decks'.

  1. Choose the slide deck you wish to use every day.

  1. Your slide deck will appear as always available in the Dashboard. Click on the slide deck to expand.

  1. For a fuller view, you can close the left-hand side menu. Dashboard slide decks will automatically be in presentation mode unless you click 'edit'. Close the slide deck if needed by clicking its name on the top-left.

Setting a slide deck as default for a specific day

  1. From the Dashboard left-hand side menu click on Plan.

  1. Click on 'Teaching Cycle' to view it either by slides, timetable, or both options together.

  1. Go to the specific day of the week and click 'Add default decks'.

  1. Choose the slide deck you wish to use on those specific days.

  1. Your slide deck will be available in the Dashboard only on those specific days.

  1. For a fuller view, you can close the left-hand side menu. If you have multiple decks for the day, you can switch between them or close a deck by clicking its name in the top-left corner.

Setting a slide deck as a one-off deck

One-off deck for the day

  1. From the Dashboard left-hand side menu click on Plan.

  1. Go to your Week Plan and choose a specific timetable entry to connect your one-off slide deck.

Timetable entry default slide deck

  1. From the Dashboard left-hand side menu click on Plan.

  1. Go to your Day Plan to access the timetable options you've created. Expand and choose the timetable option you’d like to connect a slide deck to. If you create a new timetable entry via the Week Plan, follow the same process.

  1. Your slide deck will be available in the Dashboard only on the days you've added timetable entries for.


  • To remove day default slide decks, just go to your Teaching Cycle and click on the bin icon.

  • To remove one-off slide decks, go to the Week Plan and click the X icon.

  • To remove default connections, follow the same process you used to add the connection, but click the X icon to remove it.

  • The same processes apply to embedded slides as well

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